- R&D Activities
R&D Activities
研究開発項目 Method for evaluating performance of UAS
- Development of performance evaluation methods for drone
- Development of performance evaluation methods for advanced air mobility
- Development of conformity certificate methods for multiple drones operations controlled by a single pilot
- Development of fundamental technologies for aircraft/systems to enable multiple drones operations controlled by a single pilot
研究開発項目 Development of Traffic Management Technology
研究開発項目 Research item
- Survey of law and rules outside Japan and international standardization trends / Disseminating outcomes domestically and internationally
- Survey of overall architecture and elemental technologies
研究開発項目 Method for evaluating performance of UAS
1. Development of performance evaluation methods for drone
R&D of performance evaluation methods for drone under restricted environmental conditions -
R&D of performance evaluation methods required for air safety and social implementation of Advanced Air Mobility
2. Development of performance evaluation methods for advanced air mobility
3. Development of conformity certificate methods for multiple drones operations controlled by a single pilot
4. Development of fundamental technologies for aircraft/systems to enable multiple drones operations controlled by a single pilot
Defining operation requirements and development of flight operation system toward the simultaneous operation of multiple drones -
R&D for remote monitoring systems that contribute to safe drone delivery operation using multiple drones handled by a single pilot. -
Development of elemental technologies and traffic management systems for multiple drones using remote IDs operated by a single pilot