- Project Outline
- R&D of environmental testing technologies toward design/production approval for electric propulsion systems for eVTOL
R&D of environmental testing technologies toward design/production approval for electric propulsion systems for eVTOL
Project details
Shinshu University a) 1,3,b) (subconsigned i,ii)
Denso Corporation a) 1,2,3 (subconsigned ii)
Tamagawa Seiki Co., Ltd. a) 1,2,3 (subconsigned i)i Minami Shinshu Iida Industrial Center
ii Fukushima Innovation Coast Promotion Organization Contract Type
Project details
a) International standardization of environmental testing methods and establishment of database and accumulation of knowledge, and disclosure to domestic companies
1 R&D of environmental test procedures
i) Information gathering at international standardization organizations
ii) Formulation of specifications for environmental testing equipment and test procedures
iii) International standardization of formulated test procedures and disclosure of information to domestic companies2 Development of environmental testing equipment
Installation of new large-scale equipment and utilization of existing small-scale equipment3 Verification of environmental testing technology
Verification using equipment described above and actually developed electric propulsion systemsb) Development of verification technology for components in cyber space
4 Study of evaluation methods using HILS
Establishment of CbA* technology for electric propulsion systems using HILS/MILS**
HILS : Hardware in the Loop Simulation (Mathematical simulation incorporating real hardware to be evaluated)
MILS : Model in the Loop Simulation (Mathematical simulation where all elements are mathematical models)
CbA : Certificateby AnalysisMid-term goals (FY2024)
a): Finish preaprations to complete the development of testing equipment and start verification testing in early 2025
b): Verify feasibility of electric propulsion system evaluations using HILS/MILSFinal goals (FY2026)
a): International standardization of test procedures and disclosure of accumulated know-how to domestic companies
b): Establish technology to acquire certificate data for electric propulsion systems using HILS -